I'm going back on. Well, it looks the same. Expect everything is frozen, other than Ducky Dash in the corner over there. And the new artic wolves.

To tell the truth, I'm not fond of them. Really, they're just so..PROUD! Xella told me I shouldn't post on this blog if I don't really go on AJ anymore, but hey, I just feel like typing today. Okay, bad heart shape.

The new fox pets are really cute, but... won't foxes be OFFENDED? I don't ever want to do RIM again! All items are really the same, but everyone wants one or something if it has that tiny rare sign.

That leaf pile is really cute.
I don't really notice any difference when I last came on. Jamaa Township is still the most poplar place. People are still trying to break the ice. Rares are still... rares.

Well, I can't expect much, I guess. But is there a difference?! I mean, the great IforgotthenamessorryIhaven'tbeenoninawhileyeah came back from their " journey", right?! So why isn't there any changes other than the loading screen?
Eh, I'll forget it.
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